Who are DeySed?

[Who] [Are] [Dey] [?]

[DeySed] is a multi-disciplinary art collective formed in autumn 2008. The group has had the development of a visceral [unsettling/\active] audience encounter as its goal from the beginning and this desire to experiment has informed much of our creative practice. In an attempt to subvert the notion that the creative process must be an introspective one, we have spent the last six months developing, arguing and honing in on what we believe to be a method of collaboration. This involves the use of shared experience as a point of departure for making work, and performance as a means of bringing [creating/\imagining] memories back to the surface. The result is an artwork that has been formed through interaction rather than introspection - one that is open to further interaction with an audience rather than being closed off [finished/\despotic].

[Dey] [Are] [Collective]

By terming ourselves as a collective we refer to something more than the fact that we are a collection of people [artists/\thinkers]. The term signals a core impulse and intent in our work. In an attempt to escape a century dominated by the self, our art seeks out a new [renewed/\revived] concern: the concern of the many. It is this shift that impels the need for collection. We believe that the diffuse vision of...

[TheCollective] [The Assemblage] [TheTribe] [TheDey] 

...is necessary to tackle the complexity of experience and life. Our subject in SilentCity (5am-6am) is a flux. To capture any sense of meaning from the SilentCity we had to acknolwedge its ceaseless...

[Play] [Flux] [Conflict] [Contradiction] 

Through experience we became a part of that play; through work we attempt to draw on that flux. Our work seeks a new [renewed/\revived] type of artist...

[ManyEars] [Manyeyes] [Many/disagreeing\voices] 

The shift from individual to collective, as the source of creativity, reflects a street [city/\world] that is many.



This was our first project to date and entailed the exploration of the streets of Dublin during the ‘quiet hour’ of 5am-6am and DeySed members produced work in response to that shared experience. Each participant was responsible for the creation of a videopiece documenting and responding to the work that happened during a six-week period of activity. We also devised a live performance based multidisciplinary exhibit with the content emerging from this period, which showed in in The Market Studios & The Project Arts Centre in the summer of 2009.